Now used to the Japanese working way of life of working late in the office every evening, I needed a way to unwind after a long day of work. Why not replicate my perfected Lego Rose 68 times?! I got to the point where I could replicate the design within 5 minutes, and had a make shift assembly line setup on my apartments living room table.
Whilst I replicated the design, I went through various iterations of vase design. I won’t bore you with each iteration, so feel free to jump to the completed vase design further down this post! Key difficulty worth noting though was working out how to control the Lego Roses, without them continuously falling out (especially important when you have a room full of drunken guests!). Using a netted inter-connecting Technic Plate design for strength, you can see the interior controlling mechanism below.

Lego Rose & Thistle Vase Complete!
After many months of rose designs and vase iterations, the Lego Rose Vases were complete! I built four unique vases in total, each with their own distinctive design. Originally I had settled on 12 roses per vase, but it lacked oomph! Adding an extra 5 to make it 17 filled in the gaps nicely.
Knowing that I was to be married to a Scotish bride, I added a small finishing touch by incorporating 4 Scottish Thistles. Using a few Lego trees from my childhood collection and inverting an underwater bush on top worked well. It did mean I had to add my second non Lego component to the design though as each thistle head had to be spray painted purple to fit the part. Simple yet effective, this pulled the design together. Now it was complete!

*Bonus Test Vase*
Whilst testing the design in my apartment in Japan, I took a few Lego Roses and experimental flowers. Enjoy my final bonus vase! (includes Lego bee!)

I have been eyeballing your Roses and Vases for the last couple weeks, and would love to recreate them. Do you have an instructional that I could possibly follow? or an approximate number of the individual parts and piece numbers? I would be grateful and very appreciative if you do and would be willing to send me them. Thank you in advance.- Jeremy
Hi Jeremy – I have just completed a new post explaining how to build my Lego Rose. The post provides instructions, a list of bricks and tips & tricks. Have a look and let me know how you get on (if you are still interested!)
Hello Mark
I love the design and the extra effort! It looks awesome!
I have found your instructions for the rose, is there any chance to have a better view of how your build your vase?
One of the first photos of your article looks like the inside of the vase and I can’t figure out how you did it 🙂
Many thanks and congrats!
Hi Romain,
Glad you liked the design! Did you build the rose?
I had a look and I don’t think I have any better pictures which illustrate how the vase was built. The picture you referred to was the inside of the vase which I built first. It consists of lots of inter-crossing plates with holes so each flower could be slotted in without falling over. I did two layers of inter-crossing plates, separated by the same green cylinder bricks used on the rose. As long as their is enough holes for the number of flowers and it’s strong enough, any combination should work reasonably well.
Once the inside structure is built, the outside is the fun and easy part. I used lots of 2 x 2, 2 x 1, 4 x 1 bricks to create 4 different vase designs (all above).
Hope that helps,
HI Mark ,
are you able to give the instruction for the vase?
the vase in this image
thanks a lot!
Hi Peiting,
As noted in my comment above, I unfortunately don’t have instructions for the vase or have time to make any at the moment. Images and description above is all I have.